Just beginning project advisors

Elisha Smith Arrillaga, PhD
Vice President, Research, The Center for Effective Philanthropy

The Rev. Sydney M. Avent
Board Member and Pastor; Retired Assistant General Counsel, Pfizer

Sandra Bello
Student; Retired Pulmonary Function Technologist, Mt. Sinai Hospital

Traci A. Curry
Academy Award-nominated Director, Showrunner, Producer, and Writer

Nell Derick Debevoise
Catalyzing Speaker, Facilitator, and Coach, Lead in 3D

Jeanne Hess
Vice Mayor of Kalamazoo

Blake P. Hurt
Registered Patent Attorney, Tuggle Duggins P.A.

Sharon Marshall
Author; Retired Associate Professor, Coordinator, First Year Writing, St. John's University

Crystal Merger
Media Architect and Marketing Strategist, EBO

Ryan Plecha, JD
Partner, Kostopoulos Rodriguez, PLLC

Darcy Quigley
Creative + Editorial Brand Strategist, Self-employed

Aarti Soorya, MD
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physician; Nervous System Health, Grover Health and Wellness

Jessie J. Wagner
Director, Medical Education, Diagnostic Solutions, Hologic, Inc.

Garrett Weatherhead, PhD
Licensed Psychologist at IHC (Integrative Health Consultants)